Planning for a New Future: Upcoming Annual Conference in Ireland
The Institute is a founding partner of the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) based in Armagh, Northern Ireland. The ICLRD will be holding its Seventh Annual Conference on 19-20 January 2012 in the border town of Dundalk, County Louth. The theme of this two-day event is Planning for a New Future: Can Planning and Cross-Border Cooperation Deliver Change in Ireland and Europe?
The island of Ireland faces many challenges due to the severe downturn in the world economy, stagnant development and the legacy of over a decade of sometimes ill-planned development. These challenges have knock-on implications for cross-border cooperation, sustainable development and engaging businesses and residents in shaping communities where people want to live and work.
The Seventh Annual ICLRD Conference considers models of collaboration across borders and between local government and other key local agencies. Both presenters and delegates alike are being asked to identify workable new approaches to planning and the delivery of services.
The ICLRD conferences continue to play an important role in shaping collaboration on the island of Ireland in the areas of spatial planning, and local and regional development – and we hope you are in a position to attend. For more information please visit the ICLRD website which was recently redesigned by Daniel Tsai and Carolina Morgan of the Institute.