We are proud to announce that I2UD is now one of over 100 Global Partners to join the Global Partnership for Social Accountability. The GPSA emphasizes collaboration to share expertise and experiences in using a social accountability approach to overcome development challenges. The platform for learning and exchange provided by the GPSA helps to fill evidence gaps in how different groups engage social accountability in their development work and how to sustain successful approaches.
I2UD recently concluded Social Sustainability Assessments in five cities in southeastern Europe in partnership with Co-PLAN and sponsored by the World Bank. The framework for these audits evaluated the accountability and participation mechanisms provided by government to citizens – especially the vulnerable – in the delivery of services and programs. The Social Audit set out to increase the knowledge and awareness of social accountability among city stakeholders and to strengthen the integrity of public services in: DurrĂ«s (Albania), Banja Luka and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Prishtina (Kosovo) and Skopje (FYROM). City-specific assessments and reports from this project can be found here.
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