ICLRD Receives Second Round of Program Funding

The I2UD is proud to announce that the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD), of which the Institute is a founding member, has secured a second round of program funding!  This new program, known as the Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Training Network  – or CroSPlaN II – applies to the Irish Border Region. The programme is funded under the EU INTERREG IVA programme managed by the Special EU Programmes body and will be rolled out as part of the wider Ireland-Northern Ireland Cross-Border Cooperation Observatory (INICCO II) Programme managed by the Centre for Cross Border Studies and a number of key agencies from across the island of Ireland. CroSPlaN II is a network of planners, local authorities, and civil society on either side of the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland border. CroSPlaN II is dedicated to promoting peace and cooperation between the two countries by bringing together actors from both sides of the border to work on common, regional challenges. The new funding will support cooperation among local councils over the 24 month period, February 1, 2013 to 31 January 2015.  Find out more about CroSPlaN’s new initiatives here.