City Specific Assessments of Social Accountability and Social Inclusion in Urban Service Delivery (2013)
The following reports and briefing notes present the results of the Social Sustainability Assessments carried out by the Institute for International Urban Development and Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development, in association with local partner NGOs in five participating cities: Banja Luka and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Skopje (Macedonia), Durrës (Albania), and Prishtina (Kosovo).
The Final Reflections Report provides a short synopsis of how the social sustainability assessments were undertaken, general findings, transferability and a summary of the social sustainability index developed specifically for each city. |
The Regional Workshop Report presents a summary of the March 2013 Regional Dissemination Workshop held in Skopje, Macedonia. The workshop brought together over 65 representatives of the five cities involved in the assessment to review their proposals to improve social accountability and social inclusion in their respective municipalities. Summaries of best practices from the region, including the use of ICT in improving city services are also included. Workshop presentations are available here. |
City Synthesis Reports for each of the five municipalities including a city profile, summaries of focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and a summary of a participatory scenario workshop. These reports also present three potential proposals developed by participants in the assessment. In addition a more detailed explanation of the Social Sustainability Index for each city is provided. |
Banja Luka |
Durrës |
Prishtina |
Sarajevo |
Skopje |
The City Notes for each of the five municipalities provide a summary of the social sustainability assessments including: challenges in service delivery and governance, existing social accountability practices in each city, key reasons for promoting social accountability and a synopsis of the social accountability index in each city together with three proposals. |
Banja Luka |
Durrës |
Prishtina |
Sarajevo |
Skopje |
These assessments are part of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Sustainable Cities Initiative and the WB-Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP) for Strengthening Local Governments in South-Eastern-Europe, funded by the UPP and managed by the ECA Social Development and ECA Urban Development departments and the World Bank Institute. For more information, please refer to the ECA Sustainable Cities Website and The analysis, results, and views expressed in these papers are those of the authors alone and do not represent the position of the World Bank or any of its member countries.