Mona Serageldin Prepares Background Report for Workshop on Socially Inclusive Cities

Tuesday, January 14 - The World Bank’s Urban Development Department held a workshop exploring ways to achieve social inclusion in cities. In the past, the Bank’s urban social inclusion work has mainly focused on slum upgrading projects. This workshop examined four themes that could help broaden strategies for social inclusion in urban areas:

  • Access to affordable land and housing, infrastructure and basic services.
  • Economic opportunities for all.
  • Citizen engagement and participation, including the most marginalized groups in the decision-making process.
  • Lessons learned from Brazil’s City Statute and the right to the city approach.

Dr Mona Serageldin prepared the background paper for the conference on the subject of land, housing, infrastructure, and basic services, as well as chaired the closing discussion.

More information:

I2UD’s recent work promoting social inclusion of marginalized groups in five Balkans cities

The Bank’s work on and measurements of social inclusion

Read more about the workshop