I2UD supports Codman Academy students’ engagement with the image of Dorchester

Last month, I2UD reached out to teachers at Codman Academy in Dorchester to help prepare a submission to the Boston Public Space Invitational, sponsored by the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics. The school’s French class has been very vocal about their to disagreement with a travel advisory issued for their neighborhood by the French Consulate of Boston. Since receiving local and national media coverage, students have decided to take matters into their own hands with the development of a Walking Tour around Codman Square. The tour, which will highlight the neighborhood’s civic, historic and cultural assets, is being researched and created by the Senior class through Senior Social Action Projects. I2UD has specifically helped the class seek out funding opportunities, design the physical tour markers, and work out a financial proposal for the project. I2UD has also been able to speak with valuable partners interested in moving the project forward and potentially expanding on work previously done in Fields Corner’s My Dot Tour project. The class submitted their ideas to the Boston Public Space Invitational earlier this month and anxiously await the announcement of the winners in mid-May.

If you or your institution are interested in learning more about the project or how to get involved, do not hesitate to get in touch with us through the contact page on our site, Facebook, or Twitter.