I2UD and Co-PLAN co-author chapter in new UN-Habitat/FUPOL publication on E-Governance

UN-Habitat, in partnership with the Future Policy Modeling consortium (FUPOL) have released a new publication, E-Governance and Urban Policy Design in Developing Countries. This book illustrates the synergies, contradictions, and potentials that are emerging through the intersection and interplay of urbanisation, information communication technologies, and the increasing role of local governments.

The first chapter of the book, Marginalized Groups in ICT-enabled Governance: Lessons from the Balkans, was co-authored by John Driscoll and Maren Larsen from I2UD and Dritan Shutina and Aida Ciro from Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development in Albania. I2UD and Co-PLAN’s chapter seeks to identify the barriers facing marginalized populations to engage fully with e-governance mechanisms, and explore ways in which five cities in South Eastern Europe have formulated strategies to include society’s most vulnerable in socially accountable policy formulation and governance. Click the button below to download the book from the UN-Habitat library.

I2UD and Co-PLAN look forward to continuing their work together on social accountability and citizen engagement in this region through the second phase of the World Bank – Austria Urban Partnership Program, kicking off later this month.

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To learn more about Social Sustainability Assessments in the Balkans, click here.

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