Habitat III Boston Youth Consultation | Sunday, November 15, 2015

I2UD is proud to support the upcoming Habitat III Boston Youth Consultation, together with the UN Major Group for Children and Youth and the BU Initiative on Cities. The Consultation is organized by Boston University’s Global Development Community, a platform for student organizations dedicated to issues of sustainability. The Boston Youth Consultation for Habitat III (#H3BYC) is meant to engage Boston’s youth, provide recommendations and input into official policy positions, bolster participation in the Habitat III process, and promote innovative policies and solutions to support the implementation of a more sustainable urban landscape.

HABITAT III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development taking place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016, is an opportunity to develop a New Urban Agenda and renew political commitments towards a sustainable urban framework that promotes more resilient and inclusive cities. I2UD has been involved in various aspects of the preparation for Habitat III with partner organizations, national governments, and UN agencies to prepare background materials and engage local stakeholders in the global discussions.

The diversity of socio-cultural, professional, and academic backgrounds of Boston’s youth has the potential to contribute significantly in the discussion, policy making, and implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Not only is Boston recognized for its concentration of colleges and universities, but Boston also has the highest concentration of young adults (ages 20 – 34) of any U.S. large city and the city’s foreign-born population is over twice that of the U.S. average.

Visit the event page or facebook page for more information and to RSVP.