Category Archives: CURRENT PROJECTS

I2UD in Baghdad – Iraq National Urban Strategy Update

Dr. Mona Serageldin is currently completing a mission to Baghdad at which she delivered a presentation to the Ministry of Planing as well as the UN Iraq country team on development orientations for four of the southern governorates within Iraq. Working closely with counterparts in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning...
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Local Humanitarian Response for Refugees in Transit in Croatia

I2UD is in Zagreb, Croatia this week, conducting interviews with different local and humanitarian actors as part of a research grant from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) to assess the role of local authorities and communities in managing the transit refugee situation, which began in Croatia on...
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I2UD in Cairo for Preparation of the Habitat III Regional Report for Arab States

Later this year, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) will gather stakeholders from around the world to identify and address new and emerging challenges in an urbanizing world. Habitat III will be the first United Nations conference since the adoption of the Sustainable Development...
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Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Land Use Planning in the Dominican Republic

The escalating incidence and severity of climate change related events is increasingly affecting cities and their residents, particularly the urban poor. Rapidly growing cities are often overwhelmed by the process of providing basic services and can neglect the long-term impacts of climate change. Responses tend to be remedial when emergencies...
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I2UD to Work on Upgrading and Employment-Enhancing Program in Cairo, Egypt

In partnership with the Cairo-based Tarek Waly Center and Environmental Quality International, the Institute has begun working on a Needs Assessment and Activity Design Study in four unplanned, informal areas in the Cairo and Giza Governorates of Egypt. The study will identify and propose interventions to be financed by the...
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I2UD to Work on Climate Change Adaptation in Belize

In 2015, I2UD will research and formulate alternative resiliency strategies for Dangriga, an at-risk coastal community in Belize, limited in its financial and institutional capacity to address impacts of flooding and rising sea levels due to climate change. This project, with support from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, will...
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